The Spectacle
an anarcho-geek power hour
10 months ago

The only good (fictional) cop

A spirited contest between 3 fictional cops to find who will be spared the wall!

Vicky Osterweil (In defense of Looting), Miriam, and Io chose their champions and play a game making the case for the best fictional cop and how guilty we feel as anarchists for loving them. Rust Chole, Sam Vimes and Agent Dale Cooper duke it out for the title of the only good cop! 3 pigss enter! Only one will be spared the wall! Is the noir detective a cop? How does copaganda work? Can a cop and its mortal enemy, rock n roll be allies? Idk bud, but we talk about at length. Apologies for the light cop apologism in this one, it’s all fictional. ACAB We also discuss what defines a “cop”, how cops get such a putrid mentality, Airheads, Knives out, Deadwood, Fallout, wife guys, crisis masculinity, the best boot based economic analogies, dwarven trans allegories, rural vs sub/urban cops, Q anon, Odo, true crime podcasts and KoRn for some reason

Io can be found on Twitter @Bum_lung or on Instagram @Bum.Lung or you can find their comics, prints and shirts on Etsy at Vicky’s new book “The Extended Universe” will be out later this year and In defense of Looting can be found for free here

This show is published by Strangers in A Tangled Wilderness. We can be found at, or on Twitter @TangledWild and Instagram @Tangled_Wilderness. You can support the show on Patreon at

Our logo is by Robin Savage. And our theme music is by a lovely mountain goblin.