The Spectacle
an anarcho-geek power hour
9 months ago


Gimmi the big worm to save my soul i wanna see my friend Duncan Idaho and drift away

Is Dune anti-colonial? Can the white savior myth be satirized? Is Gurney Halleck my friend? Kallie (@itsametaphorfordeath), Producer Aaron, and Io (@bum.lung) do a big ass DUNE episode and jaw about all this plus libertarians hand in “counter-culture”, if you can get so high of worm-dirt you become space hitler, and we also delve into what renowned sci-fi pervert and soulful white boy Frank Herbert’s fuckin’ deal was.

Io can be found on Twitter @Bum_lung or on Instagram @Bum.Lung or you can find prints, shirts and stickers that they make on Etsy at you can find Kallie on instagram (@itsametaphorfordeath) you can get their good hats and shirts at Listen to their leftist conspiracy podcast Secret Antenna where podcasts are slung

This show is published by Strangers in A Tangled Wilderness. We can be found at, or on Twitter @TangledWild and Instagram @Tangled_Wilderness. You can support the show on Patreon at

Our logo is by Robin Savage. And our theme music is by a lovely mountain goblin.